Accommodation Guide
Italian Language School in Italy - Learn Italian in Italy About Otranto City Accommodation in our College and Private Apartments Italian Language Courses Otranto Italy: Otranto Guide, city of Otranto, Apulia Italy
Italian Language School in Italy - Learn Italian in Italy

Others Accommodation in Otranto

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 Accommodation in Otranto

  Together with the language and cultural courses it is essential to us that our students are provided with accommodation in Otranto that meets their expectations and requirements and for this reason, we have others option regarding accomodation.
We can offer you apartment, hotel, bed and Breakfast, etc .....

Don't worry about it, your vacancy in Otranto will be thought for your budget.


  Organize your vacancy courses.
  Check on-line your italian knowledge.
  Trace your price in our list based for you.

ILS Italian Language School
Head Office: Vico Antonio Sforza, 18  -  73028 Otranto (Lecce)  -  Italy
Mobile: +39 329 2956361  -  Phone: +39 0836 801552  -  Fax: +39 0836 805350  -

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Sorry, the page you requested was not found. | Educazione alla salute | 11 mar 2009 ... Test di gradimento. Gradimento espresso dai Docenti di Scienze e di Italiano. Valutazione degli operatori dell'Az. Usl sulla correttezza e ... | iisgluosi | I Progetti di Educazione alla Salute sono rivolti agli alunni di tutte le sedi per classi parallele. Tra gli obiettivi principali vi sono quelli di creare una coscienza comune in tema di Salute, integrare la componente studentesca e promuovere diverse forme e momenti di “benessere a scuola”, nei quali gli studenti possano esprimere abilità e competenze da protagonisti.
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