Heinz (Καθηγητής πανεπιστημίου) και Britta (Λέκτορας) από την Χαυδελβέργη (Γερμανία): Aus Heidelberg kam jüngst ein Mann, der fließend Italienisch kann, zur ILS nach Otranto mit seiner frau. Die ist ganz froh,
dass sie hier erste sätze lernt der sprache, die das Herz erwärmt.
Nur langsam kommt sie kier voran ...
In dieser zeit brilliert der Mann, kann täglich flüssiger parlieren. Doch muss die Fran sich nicht genieren:
Zum Reden lorancht's noch viele Wochen,
doch sie kann italienisch - kochen!
Ileana (έμπορος) από τη Merida (Μεξικό): Carlino, Pía, Francesca, Ricardoooooo!!!!!, Federico ( non sono ancora reuscito a un baccio) , paulo, signore Claudio y signora Pina : Grazie milla per tutto . Come le dicevo a Carlino : Ho lasciatto una vita a Otranto. Questa esperienza é stata meravigliosa per me , molto piú di qualcosa immaginabile. Mi sono sentita in famiglia adottando vostre abitudine, vostra cultura, ecc., e tutto questo pieno di affetto. Lascio una vita meravigliosa e ritorno, con molta nostagia, a riprendere la mia , con i miei ( per me I MIEI sono miei figli) , ma con l ´intenzione di ritornare il piú presto possibile ( che stress!!!!) e per mostrargli quanto ho visto, quanto bello é Otranto, e sopratutto quanto affetto c´é nella famiglia Bortone Settembre . Ringrazio a tutti . e........posso morire!!!!! Ileana. P.D. Carlino per favore, corrigerlo in rosso (che stress!) 10 ????
Γιώργος από Αθήνα (Ελλάδα): Grazie Carlo, Francesca, Riccardo, Dino e Pia, non mi aspettavo una così calda ospitalità
Mariana (μαθήτρια Λυκείου) και Ritta (φοιτήτρια κολλεγίου) από τη Λισαβώνα (Πορτογαλία) - Bjorn (Ναυτικό ΗΠΑ) και Janne (κοσμηματοποιός) από τη Σουηδία: just wanted to say thank you to you we had a very good holiday in Otranto. Good luck with all your students this summer!!!
Janet και Sue από την California: Dear Carlo, Francesca, Fredrico, Paulo! I received my photos from our trip to Italy today and it does not seem believable that I was there...."normal" life closes in so fast once home and work take away the pace of vacation, days on the beach, passeggiata! I will be sending you photos...I do not have a digital cameral to email them to you.
Hoping my letters have arrived....
I hope you have a joyful and successful summer at ILS and chissa when we will meet again! Thank you for a wonderful experience. Sincerely, Janet Redwood Valley, CA USA
Laura, Simon, Tom, Pat και Peter από το Λονδίνο: "We enjoyed the School, other Students and free time. We learned a lot"
Tarod (τραγουδιστής και μπασκετμπολίστας) και Tom από τη Νέα Υόρκη: "Carlo thank you very much for your warm hospitality"
Chaim (Computer Systems Director) και Michal (δικαστής) από την Ιερουσαλήμ: "Everything was exciting. Very pleased"
Patricia και Neil από το Βανκούβερ, Chris από το Λονδίνο, Rita από το Βερολίνο, Nancy από το San Fancisco και Marco από το Essen: "We liked the people at the school, and also enjoyed Otranto, clubs and beautiful beaches"
Rita (δασκάλα) από το Βερολίνο: " Grazie a tutti voi per esservi preso così gentilmente cura di me"