Gallipoli |
Gallipoli (Greek: Kallipolis (Καλλίπολις), meaning "Beautiful City") is a town and comune of 21,200 inhabitants in the province of Lecce, in Apulia, southern Italy.
of Saint Maria of the Reed |
Risen in the XIII
century following the recovery
of an image of the Virgo, It was
found on the borders of an ancient
Jewish ghetto.
It has a façade preceded
by a portico. The longitudinal
plant is separated in three aisles.
Along the inside walls of the
central aisle It races a continuous
moulding composed of methope and
triglifi and the ceiling erased,
while the smaller aisles has quadrate
Il Seminario |
Il palazzo è stato costruito tra il 1752 ed il 1756 dal maestro Adriano Preite di Copertino per volontà del vescovo Serafino Branconi (1747-1759). L’inaugurazione avvenne tra il 1759 e il 1760 alla presenza del vescovo Ignazio Savastano (1759-1769). Il seminario è rimasto aperto fino agli anni sessanta del secolo XIX. Poi inattivo per oltre due secoli fino a cessare la sua funzione sul finire degli anni settante del ‘900. Le operazioni di adeguamento dell’edificio a museo sono cominciate nel 1999 e terminate nel 2004, estendendo il complesso mussale ad una superficie di 440 mq, su tre piani. Il palazzo è costituito da tre piani ed è realizzato in carparo, Le finestre sono adornate da fregi barocchi e da cornici aggettanti.All’interno dell’edificio, oltre ad opere di ebanisteria e di ferro, realizzate dai maestri Francesco da Nardò e Giuseppe Domenico Cordella, anch’egli di Nardò (LE), si trova la cappella dedicata alla Vergine Immacolata. Attualmente i locali ospitano il Museo diocesano di Arredi Sacri.
The Cathedral
Probably completed
before the '700, in accordance
with the rigorous plant of the
inferior order, the decorative
abundance of the superior order
is contrasted concluded by a pediment.
In this work we can see a new
tendency, then followed in the
whole rest of the region, that
is to realise paintings of big
dimensions as The profanation
of the Temple that It occupies
the whole front side of the church.
The Angevin Castle |
This Angevin castle can be found east of Gallipoli, the “bella città” (beautiful city). It is completely surrounded by the sea. It can be seen at the beginning of the peninsula enclosing the old town, at the entrance of the seventeenth-century bridge, once a drawbridge connecting the isthmus with the mainland. This fortified building was once completely detached from the surrounding territory; all its sides lapping against the sea, the entrance faced the island and was connected with the mainland by a drawbridge, serving as a defensive stronghold especially for inland territories.
The church
of St. Domenico |
It makes part
of the sixteenth-century complex
of the Dominicans, of which It
still preserves the monastery
set on the right side. It was
built on sketch by Valerio Mastroleo,
between 1696 and 1700, on a more
ancient church founded in 1517
and entitled to the SS. Announced.
From this church the altars and
the relative paintings were recovered
and used.
The inside is articulated in an
only aisle of octagonal form lengthened
with five chapels for side.
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ILS Italian Language School Head Office: Vico Antonio Sforza, 18 - 73028 Otranto (Lecce) - Italy
Mobile: +39 329 2956361 - Phone: +39 0836 801552 - Fax: +39 0836 805350
www.ilsonline.it - info@ilsonline.it |
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