Italian Language Schools

How to reach Otranto

How to reach us

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The closest airport to Otranto is in Brindisi (at 95 Km).

By airplane
The Airport in Brindisi is around 35 kms from Lecce and 80km from Otranto, with flights directed from Rome and Milan,

You can also reach Bari by means of RYANAIR from London. From Bari to Lecce you can take a bus or train.
Otranto is not very distant, here are some examples:

 Milan-Brindisi: 1,30 hours
 Rome-Brindisi: 1 hours

By train

Milan-Lecce: 10 hours
Rome-Lecce: 6 hours

By ship

You should arrive to Brindisi' s harbour

By car
Highway A14, tollgate Bari Nord (150 kilo meters from Lecce).
When you will arrive to Lecce, you must go on to uscita tangenziale est (to the right). You'll take Maglie-Gallipoli and then you must emerge from tangential choosing Maglie.

To the arrival in Lecce, Brindisi or Bari, you can reach us in Taxi or to ask for our service of deprived transport, surely more economic.

www.autostrade .it


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