Level of courses

 Level of the courses
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Beginner Intermediate Advanced
This level is suitable fo the student who can speak Italian a little, or can't do it. The goal is to teach the student to construct simple sentences of everyday life and to express themselves using few verbs but in a correct way. At the end of the course the student will know to ask simple information, to introduce themselves in formal way, to speak about the own habits and own job, to ask and to say what it appeals to, to express admiration, to speak about past events.

This level is proper for who already knows the Italian language; its
purpose is to bring the student to build complex sentences widening the
number of words and expressions known. At the end of the course the
student will know how to express a request, how to express
surprise and states of mind; to speak of usual actions of the past;
to start a telephone conversation; to express a suggestion or
a personal opinion; to physically describe a person; to speak of
environment, country, trips and dreams; To speak of job and
to write a CV.

This level is adapted who well knows the Italian language; the scope is to carry the student to construct quite complex phrases using one remarkable variety of words, expressions and times, further it will improve the reading and the understanding. Moreover, the student will learn to use and habits of the Italian language, to express political opinions, to speak about the publicity, about the made in Italy, and he will study the Italian literature. At the end of the course the student will be able to use the past participle, the subjunctive, the composed conditional, the impersonal verbs and various saying


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