Italian Language School in Italy - Learn Italian in Italy

Price List (Courses Academic Year 2006/2007)

 Level of the courses
 Price List
 Test On-Line

Type of Frequency
Times per week
Duration of courses
Low 10

1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
5 weeks
6 weeks
7 weeks
8 weeks
9 weeks
10 weeks
11 weeks

12 weeks

€ 135
€ 265
€ 385
€ 495
€ 600
€ 700
€ 795
€ 885
€ 970
€ 1050
€ 1125
€ 1200

Normal 20

1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
5 weeks
6 weeks
7 weeks
8 weeks
9 weeks
10 weeks
11 weeks
12 weeks

€ 250
€ 475
€ 690
€ 895
€ 1085
€ 1270
€ 1445
€ 1610
€ 1765
€ 1915
€ 2055
€ 2190

Intensive 30

1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
5 weeks
6 weeks
7 weeks
8 weeks
9 weeks
10 weeks
11 weeks
12 weeks

€ 365
€ 695
€ 1010
€ 1305
€ 1585
€ 1850
€ 2105
€ 2345
€ 2575
€ 2795
€ 3000
€ 3195

Italian in liberty YOU decide You decide
30 € for hour

20 € for hour
for person

Riduction (on the course "Italin in liberty")
Discount % Week
3 on 3rd week
5 on 4th and 5th week
15 on 6th, 7th and8th week
20 on 9th and 10th week
30 weeks over the 10th
Discount % Week
5 on 3rd week
15 on 4th and 5th week
20 on 6th, 7th and8th week
30 on 9th and 10th week
50 weeks over the 10th

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 Designed by ILS Italian Language School Copyright 2003/2017 ILS Italian Language School
verbo riflessivo proprio (o diretto): ... è possibile trovare la forma passiva con verbi intransitivi per indicare azione impersonale: itur = "si va" | Procvičování italštiny – Testy z italštiny | forma riflessiva del modo condizionale verbo alzarsi | Verbi riflessivi - | Verbi riflessivi Reflexive Verben | italiano-online | I verbi riflessivi sono quei verbi che nella coniugazione sono accompagnati ... i verbi transitivi possono avere la forma riflessiva e il complemento oggetto ... Präs. von alzarsi (Am morgen stehe ich um sieben auf); Egli si lava / si lava 3. Pers. Sing. Präs. von lavarsi (Er wäscht sich); Mi sono vestito alla moda / mi sono vestito 1 ... | coniugazione dei verbi passivi |
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